The Round Church... Where There Is Room For Everyone!

Browsing Father Andy's Corner

The Churches Are Empty... But So Is The Tomb!

Dear parishioners and friends, 

“The churches are empty…but so is the tomb!” 

That Easter Sunday statement, made popular recently because of the Coronavirus pandemic, is catchy, but not exactly true. We do indeed celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; He who has triumphed over sin, evil, pain and even death! Yes…He is risen ...He is risen indeed… the tomb is empty! But the churches are not! 

The edifice located at 1101 Willow Street, as well as Catholic churches just like ours throughout the world, may have locked their doors for the time being. However, nothing was going to stop our celebration of the commemoration of the most important day in the history of Christendom. Record numbers of people tuned in to live streaming broadcasts of services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and on Easter Sunday. And those who could not be present while they were live-streamed, went back and viewed these services later, through the miracle of social media. (And speaking of which, for all the criticism and complaints that are aired about technology, computers, and social media, let us not forget the good that has come from it during this pandemic.) 

“The round church, where there is room for everyone”, opens its doors to all. We strive to be a community of hospitality and inclusiveness. However, we also believe that our church exists beyond the walls. The CHURCH is not just a building…The CHURCH is the people of God! Even when our doors are locked, we know that the people of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish open the doors of our hearts as well. We welcome all people to celebrate with us, both inside our building…and BEYOND! 

Fr. Andrew 


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