The Round Church... Where There Is Room For Everyone!

Faith Formation 2020- 2021

Sacred Heart of Jesus Faith Formation 2020-2021


WELCOME!  Classes begin, online this year, on Sunday, Sept 13th. Our program with be a combination of Mass (online or in person), Catechist-assisted home study, online chapter assessment and classroom enrichment.

On Sunday , Sept 13th   we invite you to attend Mass at 10am,  in person or online,  for the start of our Faith Formation school year. After Mass, please visit our website at Each Catechist has recorded a “Welcome to Class Greeting” for your child(ren). To view, go to our website and select the Faith Formation tab and choose the appropriate grade(s). For the first week’s assignment, each student is asked to select the “Tour the Church” option to see the many updates that were completed over the last few months in our church.

Textbook lessons and assignments begin on Sunday, Sept 20th. Instructions, per grade, are outlined in the syllabus taped to the inside cover of the student textbook.

The following is an overview of each component of this year’s program:

Mass: As of today, our weekday Mass schedule is Wednesday and Friday at Noon (no reservation required);

Saturday at 4pm (reservation required) and Sunday at 10am (reservation required). The Sunday 10am Mass is live streamed on our Facebook page and on our website. We ask that our students attend Mass in person or watch online each week. 

Catechists 2020-2021
Grade 1  Laura Ferraro & Sue Betachini
Grade 2 - Elise Gilroy & Felicia Mills
Grade 3 - Andrea Kempa & Emily Kempa
Grade 4- Jack Gilroy
Grade 5- Sheri Maybock
Grade 6 -Christine Griffin
Grade 7 - Maria Kishel & Lucy Cancelli
Grade 8- Steve Skierski
Director of Faith Formation - Gayle Castellani
Aides - Betsy Kondrat & Ellen March

Catechist-assisted home study with online chapter assessments: The syllabus will show the chapter to read each week. Students in grades 1 through 7 are not required to complete the end of the chapter questions in their textbook,  instead they will go to and complete the chapter assessment multiple choice questions and email answers to SHJ. 8th Grade students follow the directions on your syllabus, complete the questions in your textbook and email your progress.  Detailed directions and email addresses are at the bottom of each syllabus. Please note: each grade has a different email address. To assist our younger students and their parents, our 1st , 2nd , and 3rd grade Catechists will have a recorded lesson uploaded each week on our website, To watch the video, select the tab for Faith Formation and choose the appropriate grade. Weekly submission of the chapter assessment will be used for “attendance purposes” and will not be used to determine grades. Our Catechists are available to answer any questions parents/students may have or to assist the parent in explaining a particular concept. In order to answer questions in a timely fashion, please only text or call  570-892-0231. Your question/concern will be directed to the proper Catechist who will then contact you at the number you provide. We are here to assist you as needed. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Classroom enrichment (this component is optional): Beginning Sunday, Sept 20th two grades per week are invited to attend class in person. Students do not bring their books to class. The lesson enrichment material will be provided to them. Weekly online assignments still need to be submitted regardless of in person attendance. Your decision to send your child to class must be based on your individual circumstances. To the best of our ability, we will provide a safe, sanitized, socially distanced environment for classroom learning. For the safety of your child and others, please do not send your child if he/she is not feeling well. The grades attending for a particular week are listed on each syllabus.


First Sunday of the month: Grades 1 and 2                  

Second Sunday of the month: Grades 3 and 4

Third Sunday of the month: Grades 5 and 6             

Fourth Sunday of the month: Grades 7 and 8

Fifth Sunday of the month: OFF


Website:         Facebook page: Sacred Heart Peckville             

Chapter assessments: